Welcome To "The Desert Dog House".

Picture of Yelling OtterMy name is Glenn. I have a strange mix of things here, including Bob Talbot's "Yelling Otter" and all kinds of other things. Mainly this is a place for me to try out what I learn and have fun, you're more than welcome to have a look and even let me know what you think. If you like the ocean please visit The LegaSea Project.

Things to check out here!

My list of current events in Santa Clarita, CA.

Check out my Java Drawing Applet!

Click for Santa Clarita, California Forecast
Santa Clarita Weather

Toggle box for a current Calendar

Prince of Peace,
Castaic NEWS

Pinky and the Brain Sound Clips
Pinky and the Brain sound clips.

Here's a great Turkey recipe.

Doghouse Web Designs
DesertDog Designs
Let me make a Page For You.

Hate Mayonaise Logo
Hate Mayonnaise??


Picture of Dot

Pinky and The Brain
Up with Pinky & The Brain!

Picture of ColinPicture Of WakkoHere are thumbnails of Colin (Randy Beeman's friend) and Wakko from the Animaniac series. -Click- 'em for full pictures! 

Here's a Tick Tac Toe game in Java for the terminally bored. 

Here are some handy links to sites I find Useful.
Have you seen what's in today's USA Today? Everything from news, to sports, to weather, all kept up to date. Check current RAM & Processor prices from The Chip Merchant, a San Diego source I've had good luck with.
Need the latest unofficial Lottery results. Or maybe you would be more interested in the latest issue of ComputorEdge.

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